Going Up: Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

Going Up Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

Perfect Elevator Pitch: An Avenue to Success

Each and every sales technique, product marketing, and advertising has a specific influential way of making an impact that bounds the listener to hear what it has to offer to leave an impression in only a matter of seconds to few minutes That ‘Communication Bridge‘ is what we call an ‘Elevator Pitch‘.

Formulated in a proper way and delivered, an ‘Elevator Pitch‘ effectively is the hook that makes the listener a captive, intriguing him to dive deep and grab more information. If the listener is powerfully impacted, then it’s a job well done, and you are on your way to making a sale.

Henry Ford, the founder of ‘Ford Motor Company’ and one of the prominent American Industrialists, knew a lot about success and the importance of being prepared for every single step one is going to take to succeed. He said:

“Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.”

He realized that to make a product the foremost necessity, one needs to bring together the materials out of which the product is carved and the tools required for the purpose. Without the materials and the tools, the idea of constructing a product is futile. While formulating your own Elevator pitch, you might want to consider the following points:

1. Hunt the materials and bring them together.

Hunt the materials and bring them togetherTo expect a deep impact from your Elevator pitch, emphasis should be laid on the fact that the messages you want to deliver are precise and well defined. You should know your goals, your strengths, and achievements. Think about them clearly, define them and jot them down. Yes, write them. Your Elevator pitch is never going to be successful if it stays there in the attic of your mind because, at some point in time, your thoughts might mismanage it. Mismanagement is something you can’t afford when it comes to the delivery of an effective and influential Elevator pitch. Everything should be crystal clear and on the tips of your fingers.

While struggling with the Elevator pitch, some of the of the points mentioned below can be made use of:

a. Core Experiences:

Take a trip down memory lane Look at your professional career and experience and pick out the important aspects, Write them down in a short and composed manner. These aspects might include your place of work and the experiences you have attained.

b. Influence:

Yeah, this is about your influence on the company you have worked for in the past. Things you have done that prove your mettle. Tell them what role have played, the benefits you have provided, the profits you have brought in for the company, and the mismanagement you have handled during your tenure. Create an image by letting them know if they hire you what they are going to get back as a return. What value are they adding to their company by making you a part of it?

c. Leadership:

What’s so special about you that makes you one in a million to step out and take charge. Present your skills, your capacity for leadership, and your ways of managing people that make you the leader you are. Everything that has attained success, be it in your past company, with people you know, etc. What’s that secret of yours that’s unique, impressive and effective? In short, what do you have to offer?

d. Define your Goals:

The goals should be pre-set. You should have a clear idea what you want out of your job? And that doesn’t confine only to a peaceful work environment and a neat and clean workplace. Instead, think of something big. Beyond all these material things, think about the benefits the company is going to offer, the experience and the chance of self-grooming and self-development. While defining goals, you should ask yourself: Where do you want to go in your career by getting this job? How do you see yourself in the next few years? What does progress mean to you? etc.

2. Sharpening the tools and getting ready for the voyage:

Sharpening the tools and getting ready for the voyageSo what exactly does the line above means? The emphasis should not only be on the formulation of an effective Elevator pitch; rather, the value of practicing and confidence should also be acknowledged. When given a chance, you will not have the time to take out the little notes you have scribbled and just read it out. Rather, you should be prepared and confident about what you have to say and all of it should be in your mind.

And to be confident and clear, you should practice. Yes by practice, I mean reiterating it in front of the mirror, building your confidence, and keeping your voice steady, clear and calm. Deliverance is an art which you have to master. Practice makes a man perfect. Once you have mastered this, you are ready to go and make your mark.

Writing down your Elevator Pitch has many benefits. When your time arrives, you have the chance to edit it, rephrase it, and memorize it. An elevator pitch is not something that comes out all at once. It takes time, effort and multiple edits to reach the right thing that works for you.

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