Tag Archives: hiring

The Role of Soft Skills in Manufacturing Hiring

The Role of Soft Skills in Manufacturing Hiring

In the ever-evolving landscape of manufacturing, the importance of soft skills has become increasingly evident. While technical expertise is crucial for operating machinery and managing production processes, soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are essential for fostering a productive and harmonious work environment. These interpersonal attributes enhance collaboration, streamline operations, and drive […]

Diversity and Inclusion: Hiring and Retention

Diversity and Inclusion

In today’s globalized and interconnected world, diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become essential components of successful organizations. Embracing a diverse workforce that encompasses various backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences not only fosters innovation but also enhances decision-making processes and overall employee satisfaction. As businesses strive to remain competitive and relevant, understanding and implementing effective D&I strategies […]

How to Work with Recruiters (Candidate Guide)

How to Work with Recruiters (Candidate Guide)

A detailed guide on how candidates can work well with executive recruiters. You came across a recruiter and handed in your cv with them, but now they’re not answering your e-mails. Maybe your background is perfect but you do not make it past the phone screen. How is it that you’re “a bad fit” whilst […]

How to Explain Your Strengths in a Job Interview

How to Explain Your Strengths in a Job Interview

You must have played the game of chess or Risk once in a while when you were young. What is it that’s common in these games? These are strategic games that push you to think on your feet and help you examine your strengths and limitations. They also assist us in predicting and using foresight […]

Candidate Driven Market and Recruitment in 2023

Navigate the Candidate Driven Market of 2023 with JRG Partners - Expert recruitment solutions tailored for the evolving job landscape.

Utilize AI and machine learning to streamline the candidate search and selection process in this candidate driven market. In the candidate driven market of 2023, AI and machine learning will play a pivotal role in streamlining recruitment processes. By automating administrative tasks, recruiters can devote more time to identifying the ideal candidate for each position. […]