Employee Engagement and Retention

Employee Engagement and Retention

An indispensable tool that I use to help companies differentiate their brand is representative engagement research in light of the 10 tips of engagement as stated below. These tips will help you decide why individuals work for your organization. This gets to be a vital insight as you make your brand of employment.

1. Linking Engagement Efforts with High Performance:

Linking Engagement Efforts With high performanceEmployee engagement should not be based on the satisfaction of the employee. The least you would need is a team of employees who are satisfied but not willing to improve their performance. Adopting a performance-driven culture and encouraging healthy competition will motivate your employees to improve their performance.

2. Employee engagement begins at the top:

Many studies prove that key employee engagement drivers are the actions of senior management. Top management must show support for an engaged company culture by individually accepting their company’s values.

3. Connect with first-line leaders:

As the old saying goes, “representatives join incredible organizations, yet quite terrible bosses” is valid. Ensure to keep engaged your firm’s first-line employees and executives and regularly keep touching base with them to get their valuable inputs.

4. Focus on communicating, the cornerstone to improving engagement:

Focus on communicating, the cornerstone to improving engagementSuccessful leaders understand the potential of a robust communication plan. Create your own powerful and all-encompassing communication plan that you can use to communicate effectively with your team. Ensure that your plan is built in accordance with your company’s engagement policy and is clear, consistent, and transparent.

5. Individualize your engagement with each Executive:

In today’s workplace landscape, Employee Engagement has become paramount. Gone are the days when the philosophy was simply to “treat people the way you want to be treated.” That approach is now considered old-school. The contemporary mantra adopted by management is to “treat people how they want to be treated.” This shift signifies a more individualistic approach, acknowledging that individuals come from diverse backgrounds, each with their own expectations regarding treatment. Understanding and adapting to these expectations can significantly enhance Employee Engagement and foster a more productive and harmonious work environment

6. Create a culture which is based on motivation.

Focus on communicating, the cornerstone to improving engagementIt’s very difficult to keep motivating and engaging employees continually over a long period of time. Instead, one should try to cultivate a motivational culture with their workforce. A culture where employees themselves get motivated and remain engaged while motivating others within the team.

7. Create an Employee Feedback Mechanism:

A feedback mechanism where immediate bosses ask their employees about what they think; in order to implement this, an ’employee engagement survey’ is one of the best tools to both assess an individual employee and the organization’s pulse.

8. Augment and Reward the Right Behaviors:

When it comes to motivation, it has been observed that employees are considerably motivated by a sense of achievement as opposed to money. A company culture that encourages appreciating achievements goes a long way in maintaining high motivation levels as compared to money motivation, which can cause employees perceive unfairness.

9. Tracking and communicating the progress:

When we compare top management with middle- or lower-level management and even with other employees, one realizes an important fact: employees at almost all levels within the firm are not much different in terms of leadership. They all want to work with a winning organization. As a leader, one needs to reinforce ‘line of sight’ by communicating with their employees their current direction of growth, their performance evaluation, and how they fit in.

10. Hire according to the characteristics and traits present in your culture:

Once your organization’s culture and traits have been fine-tuned to accommodate new set of employee engagement enhancement traits, ensure that all future hires appreciate and follow these traits. A lot of emphases is placed on a candidate’s education, background, experience and skills. However, people succeed or fail due to their behavioral traits. Ensure that new recruits are evaluated on the basis of their behavior as well.

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